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Chair: Ashley Casuccio

Vice-Chair : Maggie Fadley

BIA Staff Liaison:
Jessica McKinney

PWB Mission Statement:
The BIA’s Professional Women in Building Council is dedicated to promoting, enhancing, and supporting homebuilding and women within the industry. We do this by - Providing professional development resources, encouraging career development within the industry, promoting, and supporting active involvement in the political and legislative process, promoting, and supporting community involvement, providing recognition of member industry achievement, also providing resource information and support for members, affiliated councils, and the BIA.

Upcoming Meetings:


Thursday February 13th Hearts & Hops: Women in Building Networking Night with SMC
3:00-5:00pm Crooked Can, Hilliard

Wednesday March 12th PWB Council Meeting
9:00am, America's Floor Source, Columbus

Wednesday April 9th

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